How Can I Make Her Feel Special Again?

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Every girl wants to feel similar she's a special and unique treasure to her guy. How do you show her that she actually is special to y'all? Zip impresses a woman more than than a guy treating her equally his princess.

  1. one

    Residuum out your compliments. Girls dear compliments, and no wonder: They tell her that you really care, and they make her feel good near herself. Compliment her on both her looks and her personality, and she'll feel like she'due south the whole package in your optics. Effort not to tell her she'south "fit" or "hot," withal, because that sounds plain and generic. Don't over-compliment a girl, either, because you might alarm her, or requite the impression that you want something from her in render for your kindness.[1]

    • Tell her that she's "cute," "pretty," or "gorgeous" instead. These words are a lot more heartfelt, and they have a piffling extra emotion behind them.
    • Compliment aspects of her personality, besides. Girls want to feel pretty on the exterior and the inside. Sincere compliments about her personality let her empathise that y'all like her for who she is deep downwardly inside:
      • "Every fourth dimension we're alone, you remind me of how fun it is to only exercise zip together."
      • "You lot are as beautiful on the inside as you are on the exterior."
      • "You make me want to exist a better person every unmarried day."
      • "When I look at you, I know what it's like to feel completely safe and comfortable around someone."
  2. ii

    Give her good, honest, unique compliments. It's a good idea to accept a few bones compliments to give your girl every one time in a while, but it's also a proficient idea to accept something totally unique about her and let her know that yous love information technology, or at least capeesh it.[2]

    • Perchance you're mesmerized past her eyes. Tell her what her eyes remind y'all of: "I love the mode your shirt brings out the color of your eyes; it'due south such a contrast."
    • Perhaps you love the way her pilus frames her facial features: "Your pilus is so soft and silky; it really is a perfect match for your eyes and your lips."
    • What if you go tingly inside when she laughs? "Your giggle is about as beautiful as information technology can get. It puts me in such a great mood."
    • Finally, maybe say something well-nigh her generosity. Many women are naturally born to be motherly and nurturing; if yous say something almost her kindness or generosity, it should hitting habitation: "Y'all've taught me what it means to be kind and what information technology feels to be looked later on. I hope I can do the same for you."


  3. 3

    Show her unexpected affection. Giving a girl the right compliment when she expects it is great, merely giving her the right compliment when information technology's unexpected is even amend. Pick a fourth dimension when you two are together to retrieve near what y'all love/respect/admire virtually her and let her know out of the blueish.[3]

    • When she'due south not expecting information technology, wrap your arm around her, squeeze her gently, kiss her cheek, neck, or forehead, and tell her something heartfelt well-nigh how she makes you feel. Look her in the eyes when you deliver the compliment. She'll cook similar an ice-cube in an inferno.
    • Tell her that she's your first priority and that y'all would do whatever it takes to keep her happy when she needs it. Don't just say information technology; be prepared to do it! Girls won't respect you if you say one thing and do another.
    • Send her text messages similar or call her unexpectedly. This will allow her know that she is on your mind. Spread it out and then that each telephone call or text is a centre-warming surprise, not so much that she comes to await it. Texts yous tin can send her out of the blue:
      • "I miss you; was only thinking almost yous..."
      • "You really got me loving what we have together."
      • "Just stopping by to say 'Hi.' I wish I could be kissing yous right now."


  1. 1

    Get to fun places with her. Spend time with her at the park, come up with her when she goes shopping, have her to the embankment....There are lots of places you tin can have her to make her feel comfortable and loved.

    • Do fun and exciting things together. This has two benefits: First, it will show her that you want her to exist involved in your life's journeys; second, the gamble will aid you lot bond together by releasing a chemic (called 'oxytocin') that's responsible for feelings of beloved.[4]
    • Show that you care by taking part in the things that she loves doing. Going to see a chick flick, fifty-fifty if you think it will be boring, volition tell her that you care near her needs, and not but your own. Even if you don't enjoy doing information technology, try to make it expect similar you're into it. It'south best to be honest that you practise non enjoy the moving-picture show only you are still willing to spotter information technology with her to testify you volition be there for her; she'll appreciate the effort and honey you've shown her.
    • If she wants to go clothes shopping, enquire her if she would like to accept you join her! If she lets y'all, assistance her find something to arrange her all-time! Girls tend to accept a hard time picking apparel to get with. Whether she's looking for a dress for fancy outings or nice weather, a swimsuit to become pond in or for the beach, shorts or a skirt for coincidental wear, or annihilation else, assist her in finding something that you think fits her well, whether it blends with other pieces or if it reminds her of something that she likes. For instance, "Of the dresses here, I think this yellow one fits y'all perfectly, because yellow is your favorite color and it goes along well with this sunhat." Or "I think this light bluish bikini makes a great fit for you lot, equally it's the same color every bit the bright skies, which I know makes you happy." It tin can serve for something for her to remember you by likewise since you helped her pick it out.[v]
    • For that affair, even if you lot might non be wild about her wearing revealing vesture such as short shorts, skirts, or midriff baring tops, it's best y'all become along with it. This goes back to the chip on telling her that you intendance about what she wants. She might as well like wearing them because she feels proud of her body and isn't afraid to show herself off.
  2. 2

    Show her how proud yous are to exist with her in public. Do not salvage amore for only private moments; show the rest of the world how y'all experience about her. She'll feel like she makes you a lucky guy, which you lot are. Kiss her cheek or massage her hand when you are in public. Concord her close when introducing her to one of your friends.[half-dozen]

    • If she uses social media a lot, show your relationship publicly through social media. Post photos of the two of you, tag her at places, modify your relationship condition. Evidence her you are publicly committed to the relationship and that you lot are proud to show her off. However, if she is a very individual person, this may brand her uncomfortable.
    • Don't be afraid to introduce her as your girlfriend if she is. She might be a footling put off if you lot just introduce her using her proper noun. If you haven't made information technology clear whether you ii are boyfriend and girlfriend, stick to introducing her by name.
    • Don't let go of her paw when another boy or girl walks by. She'll think that yous're embarrassed to be with her, or that you're trying to impress another daughter. If y'all're holding easily, wait for a expert moment to break contact. When another daughter is around, make certain your daughter feels equally if she's the merely one.
    • For her birthday or your anniversary, do something prissy for her in public. Get or bake a block for her birthday, or give her a bill of fare for your anniversary. Practice one public thing for her and ane private.
  3. iii

    Talk to her and explore her personality. Digging deeper and getting to know her likes and dislikes is a huge step in making her feel special. Lots of guys never bother to get really close to a girl because they're just interested in having a physical relationship. Don't exist the guy who doesn't know very much near his girlfriend or forgets what she likes and dislikes.

    • Inquire her about her hobbies and notice out what she'south passionate near. Everyone is passionate almost something, even if it's buried deep downwards inside. Find out what she loves to do more than than annihilation else. Figure out what she likes about information technology. Try to understand information technology and exist interested in it.
    • Inquire lots of questions. Ask her about her childhood, her parents and siblings, her goals, her fears and desires, along with her likes and dislikes. The more you know about her, the better you lot can comfort her when she's down, inspire her when she's stuck, or at-home her when she's stressed.
    • Practise listening. Don't tune her out. No affair what she has to say, mind, analyze with her, and offer an informed stance if you accept one. If y'all don't have an opinion, you can tell her that, saying that yous're there for her when she needs to think things through.
  4. 4

    Be patient. On occasion, she may crusade you to think What am I doing, this is crazy?! This is definitely not normal. Well, you're getting used to a new normal, and it's going to force you lot to be patient. She'll thanks for it.[7]

    • If she is late or forgets something, wait patiently for her. Try to exist understanding. Don't brand her feel guilty, specially if the showtime word she says is "Sorry." Who knows — ane day, the tables could exist turned and she might be waiting for you.
    • Let her win the statement. Sometimes, it's best to just let her win the statement. Stand up for yourself and what you believe in, but acquire when to back downward and let her win. You'll become more in the long run.[8]
    • Listen to her criticisms. No 1 wants to feel criticized, but you're going to have to compromise if y'all want to succeed in relationships. And so accept what she says to center, attempt to change whatever is fixable, and show her that yous're in information technology for the long run.


  1. 1

    Be there when she needs information technology. If your princess turns into a damsel in distress, you're going to need to be past her side during her time of need. Whether information technology'southward a sliver in her toe, a schoolyard great, or a serious illness in the family, stick by her side to show her that i of your biggest goals is making sure she's safe and secure.

    • If she'due south sad, inquire her how you lot tin can make information technology ameliorate. Don't but sit in that location and say "I'm sorry," staring blankly at the wall. Girls want guys who can make them happy when they are downwardly, who tin cheer them up with a little bit of sense of humour when the going gets tough. Try your best to liven up her spirits.
    • Stand up for her when she needs information technology. If she gets insulted, called ugly, or otherwise threatened, be there to protect her. Tell the offender that you'd never allow her sit in that location and take negative remarks like that. Don't start a fight, simply don't let other people push you lot or your girlfriend around.[9]
    • No thing what is happening in your lives, be by her side. Comfort her that yous are at that place to support her in every moment. Girls want the security of knowing that if something does happen, she won't have to worry about you jumping ship. Reassure her y'all're there to stay.
  2. ii

    Be romantic with her. Yous may non think y'all're the romantic blazon, but you should know a little bit virtually how to be romantic if you desire to become the extra mile. Romance, for girls, should be similar the movies: Everything should be slightly over the top (merely not cheesy), a reminder of the endeavor that you'll get to in order to make her feel special.

    • Find out what her favorite flower is and transport her a bunch.[ten] If you're at the grocery store together, inquire her casually what kind of flowers expect good, and then take note. Recollect that unlike flowers "hateful" different things: While ruby roses mean beloved and romance, white roses hateful friendship.
    • A romantic dinner or a trip to the spa are also romantic options to consider.[11]
    • Surprise her with a engagement.[12] The mere fact that yous went out of your way to arrange a surprise date is often enough. Your appointment doesn't have to be elaborate. Tell her to see you lot somewhere or pick her upward yourself. Pretend you're doing something ho-hum, similar chores, then surprise her with the date — like a flick, a cooking class, a picnic somewhere remote. She might jump into your artillery or look you lovingly in the eyes.
    • Brand something for her. It's a practiced idea to requite her signs of your love, similar cards, or jewelry, or flowers. Only what if you desire to have your signs of affection to the next level? You should definitely make her something with your own easily. The more personal it is, and the more than energy you lot put into information technology, the amend.
      • Brand her a relationship journal. Buy a dainty, blank periodical. Write about when you kickoff met her, all the starting time dates, and how she made you lot experience. Include pictures and other mementos, like flick stubs. Tell her that you want to have turns writing in the journal.
      • Make her a collage of all the mementos yous saved from the relationship. Save brochures, tickets, stubs, receipts, and pictures that mean something to both of yous. Tape or glue them to a squeamish poster lath and requite it to her.
      • Make her a video of yourself. Information technology doesn't demand to be fancy — a Facebook video will practise. Tell her how she makes you feel; what you love about her; what you lot were thinking when you first met her. Gear up all of this to music and send it to her.
      • Exercise something for her parents. Maybe her mom needs help organizing a silent auction. Volunteer to exist a busboy, or help out with ticket sales. Your girlfriend will be charmed that you're getting to know her family and you'd do something selfless for them.
  3. 3

    Practise the small things. Going the extra mile doesn't have to mean some grand, romantic gesture we run across in the movies or hear nigh in stories. Oftentimes, the really small things mean just equally much, provided you do them with feeling.

    • Sing romantic songs to her, even if your voice is horrible. Have a song that's yours. Even if yous butcher information technology, the singing can be an opportunity for both of you to laugh. It's sure to be a win-win situation regardless!
    • Take lots of pictures with her. She'll find it heartwarming to look at you standing next to her with the both of yous grin. It also makes for a prissy keepsake to make her know you lot'll recall her and the fun you lot shared. And don't be afraid to kiss her on her cheek or forehead for a flick! She might find that fifty-fifty more touching to wait back on.
    • Find ways to send or leave little notes and symbols of endearment that will remind her of fun times you take shared together. A unproblematic, handwritten annotation goes a long way.
  4. 4

    Honey her for who she is and what her beliefs are considering those are unlikely to alter anytime presently. It'south the easiest thing to say and the hardest thing to exercise, but it'south true: Love her for who she is, despite her failures, because she loves you in the aforementioned style besides.

    • Forgive her. So she makes a error? Then what? Everyone makes mistakes, but information technology's the way they bounce back from their mistakes that bear witness you lot who they really are. If she apologizes, is honest and genuinely sad, try to forgive her. Chances are she'll get the same for you.
    • Respect her. Don't talk down to her, dispense her, or say bad things when she isn't around. Treat her similar a gentleman should care for a lady. Exist respectful of her fourth dimension, her endeavor, her beliefs. You lot'll earn her trust very quickly.
    • Become along with her friends, even if you don't like them. Her friends play an important office in her life; she wants them to get along with yous, and you lot to get along with them.
    • Make an effort with her family unit. Her family is nigh likely the core of her happiness. If she has a not bad relationship with her family unit, endeavor to respectfully become a office of that community when they let you in.


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    LeTisha Underwood

    LeTisha Underwood is a Certified Professional person Matchmaker and the CEO of Two Hearts Exclusive Matchmaking Services. With more than 5 years of experience, she specializes in helping union-minded people observe their life partners. LeTisha holds a Matchmaker Certification from The Global Love Institute.

    LeTisha Underwood

    Certified Professional Matchmaker

    Expert Answer

    Pay close attention when she's talking most things she really likes. Take notes about what she'southward most passionate and excited about, and use that to help you lot cull a souvenir.

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  • Always let her know how you feel considering she will feel more than wanted.

  • E'er take care of her. Chat with her when she's bored and make her feel special with jokes.

  • Protect her from anything and everything that tries to harm her.

  • Always let her know how much you love her. It'south not important to dearest her materially, only exist with her e'er especially when she'due south in burden and she'll know y'all actually dearest her!

  • Don't talk about other girls all that much right in front of her, as it may really make her feel unwanted and even a little jealous.

  • Always reply to her texts, e-mails and letters and always telephone call her back.

  • If she says you are being too clingy, and so back off. She'due south worth the wait and volition most likely appreciate you more than when she comes back if y'all do so.

  • Always talk to each other, even if its about little things.

  • Be circumspect. Always listen to her completely.

  • Continue the lines of communication open. Don't just assume existence also touchy is okay, unless she has told you herself.

  • Alarm. Too much of the to a higher place will make you come up across every bit needy - instant plow off for girls.

  • Always make eye contact.[xiii]

  • Don't bring sex into the human relationship too early because that might make her feel like you only want her for pleasance.[fourteen]

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Article Summary 10

You tin make a girl feel special by giving her unique, genuine compliments to show you really care about her. For example, try maxim something heartfelt like "You're as beautiful on the inside as you lot are on the outside." As well complimenting her, bear witness this girl she's special by taking her to her favorite places like a restaurant she loves, the mall, or a movie she's been wanting to see. Above all, she'll feel special if you lot're proud to show her off to anybody! When y'all're in public, try holding her mitt or giving her a quick kiss. Or, if she uses social media a lot, post a photo of you 2 together to show the world how lucky yous are to be with her. To learn how to step up your romance to make her feel special, scroll down!

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