Pros and Cons of Rock Flower Beds

Can't decide whether to employ rocks or mulch for your flower bed blueprint? Know the pros and cons of rock flower beds so you can decide what works all-time for your landscaping ideas.

rock flower beds Ingrid Balabanova/Shutterstock

To make full in flower beds, homeowners often choose betwixt mulch and rock-based groundcovers like gravel, pebbles, volcanic stone and stones. Tin't determine whether to use rocks or mulch for your flower bed design? Know the pros and cons of rock flower beds so you tin decide what works all-time for your landscaping ideas.

Why fill up flower beds with rocks instead of mulch?

Using rocks instead of mulch has distinct advantages, including durability, design options and more than.

Rock Flower Beds Are Durable

Although rocks may initially be more expensive than mulch, they're a i-time purchase because of their durability. One of the biggest benefits of choosing rock flower beds is that the rocks do not decay or decompose. Certain mulches showtime to decompose every bit soon equally they're exposed to elements like rain and snowfall. So, while mulch must exist replaced every flavour, rocks terminal many times longer and may fifty-fifty last the lifetime of your garden.

Rock Blossom Beds Provide Many Blueprint Options

Another reward to rock is it provides a hit contrast to brightly-colored leafage, improving the appearance of your garden. Landscaping with rocks means you can add texture through a wide variety of shapes, sizes, types and colors. Stones can also double as a garden bed border, keeping soil in identify and minimizing erosion. Keep in mind that over time, depending on how heavy they are, rocks can start to sink downwardly into your soil.

Stone Flower Beds Are Depression-Maintenance

In one case rock is in place, it requires little to no maintenance. Rocks maintain their appearance and aren't easily disturbed by wind, pets or foot traffic. Using rocks can also keep weeds at bay but doesn't prevent them completely. Because rocks don't add nutrients to the soil like mulch does, y'all may need to fertilize your plants periodically. Rocks can also become a catch-all for leaves and other yard debris. During spring cleaning, the easiest fashion to remove leaves and debris is to employ a leaf vacuum but if the rocks are small enough you lot may have to remove them by hand.

Rock Bloom Beds Reduce Soil Erosion

Stones stabilize the soil and reduce erosion. Erosion, the gradual loss of soil to natural elements like rain and wind, can wreak havoc on gardens. But rocks give soil something to catch onto, which holds it in place in the consequence of heavy rain or other water runoff.

Next, check out some amazing flower bed lights you can add to your landscape.


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