Hideo Kojima's Next Game Will Feature Mecha


As work continues on Aluminiferous Cogwheel Solid: Peace Walker, Hideo Kojima is already get-go to work on his next game – a pun that leave include giant robots. Zone of the Enders 3, anyone?

Hideo Kojima may be hard at work sneaking Mountain Dew T-Shirts into Metal Pitch Solid: Peace John Walker, merely he's also hard at work planning his new secret plan – and Tweeting active it. One insouciant Tweet, however, may hold revealed something unexpected about the legendarily off-the-wall fashion designer's next product: Information technology'll have goliath robots.

The post in query itself is tired Japanese, merely there's a helpful translation over on Andriasang:

"I'm cerebration about the casting for my next title. The project plan still hasn't reached a detailed level, but everything is progressive at the same time in my head. Title, game design, account, characters, setting explore, the mecha that appear, casting, in writing direction, sound, beginning and ending, the major story sequences. IT comes together by nature in my head."

Sounds about right, doesn't it? He's already planning the story, the characters, the design, the mecha … wait, what? The mecha? Yes, we now know for sure that Kojima Productions' following game will involve giant fighting robots in some capacity. But what does that mean, exactly?

Smart money says that the gimpy in question is a new Zone of the Enders, a game that Kojima wants to make, and a halt that he has explicitly promised fans volition happen someday. However, that's by zero means a sure matter – the titular Metal-looking Gears are mecha, aren't they? Beaver State, it could be something completely diametrical, like the revolutionary franchise He mentioned last year.

One thing's for certain, though – if Kojima makes a mecha combat halting that isn't ZOE3, people are going to be pissed.


Source: https://www.escapistmagazine.com/hideo-kojimas-next-game-will-feature-mecha/

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